Thursday, 30 April 2015

How you can stock tents for relief operations?

Relief ItemsIf you are in the business of renting out or selling items linked to camping supplies and portable shelters, then you can also consider stocking up on disaster relief tents. Today, poor city planning and diverse environmental changes are causing frequent earthquakes, floods and massive destruction which increases demand of shelter products.

How to use relief supply as generating revenue?

During the time of disaster NGO’s, Government and other service providers need a huge supply of relief items including tents, canopies and related things. And if you have a good stock of tents and other related things you can earn good revenue, however, there are a number of things you will need to learn before jumping into this kind of business, such as:

  • Always look for a supplier you can trust, because you will need them for years, so better to find a trustworthy rather changing them every time. Precisely, it is better to stick to one single supplier who will work with you every time you will need them. This will help you in building a business relationship with them, and a good business relationship will always give you the benefit. However, it is equally important to assess their working style and products you are going to buy. So better to do your research and then make a commitment.
  • Moreover, it is really important to make sure that you buy and stock items that are cheaper. You must remember that when disaster strikes, they leave a large number of people in misery by taking their lives and assets. So in that situation you cannot sell your supplies at a very high price, and may not end up not selling large number of them. Most people and relief supplier try to buy things at reasonable prices. So invest your time and efforts in finding reliable and reasonably priced products specially tents.
  • It can be a wise move if you buy the same product in different sizes. Because when the disaster strikes, people will need tents for different purposes, and they may need different sizes. For example, a person who is living alone may need a small tent, but a person with six family members needs a big one for accommodation.

These are a just few things that must be considered before investing a good amount in this area. The major role of a successful set-up is to do thorough research and selecting every option with care. It is true in many cases there is added risk, but that risk can be reduced to minimal if proper research and planning are made.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Benefits of Solar Phone Chargers

In modern time, we see electronic devices are being exploded without estimating their power usage. With increasing consumption of electricity, it is becoming difficult for governments to manage, demand and supply.
After researches, now it is possible for us to use sunlight as electricity power. Solar charges are making their space in our technology-induced lifestyle. And with time more and more solar powered gadgets are coming in the market and helping people where electricity is still not available.

How solar phone charger work?

Solar energy has been used to run appliances in homes, and now we can see solar phone chargers. A solar powered phone charger is an eco-friendly product that not only provides a reliable solution to charge the phone, but overall saves lot of electricity. These solar chargers use solar energy and then convert it into electricity which later is used for phone charging. To convert sunlight into electricity a small solar panel is used in solar powered phone charges.

Why do we need them?

The main purpose of solar powered phone charges is to save electricity as much as possible. This function is performed by photons present in solar panels which help in converting the solar energy from the sun into electricity using multiple reactions. New smartphones offer a lot of functionalities and multiple functions which consume battery faster than their ancestors, provoking people to charge more than twice in 24 hours. And in many cases there is no provision provided to people to charge their phones especially when they travel. But with the help of solar phone charges, now it is possible for people to charge their phones while travelling.

The awareness regarding solar charges among people is not sufficient because the technology is still new, plus it is less efficient compared to electricity. 
But here are real benefits of solar phone charges that will push you to buy one for yourself as well:

  • They are extremely light weight and eventually charge your device fully only once, unlike the popular belief that solar panels are heavier.
  • They can reduce your electricity bill to manifold, how? An average smartphone battery only last for four hours and keeping that in mind their extensive usage often acquire to charge them more than twice a day. And this will need more electricity thus increasing your bills. However, when you will rely on solar powered phone charges you can cut down your electricity usage significantly.
  • Conventional chargers need a socket and electricity supply, which is hard to get when you are travelling, but solar chargers are free from this limitation. So you can use them easily while traveling and they can fit easily in your travel bag.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Benefits Disaster Relief Logistics

Disaster management includes relief logistics activities, aiming to avoid, or reduce, the potential losses often caused by hazards, ensuring the victims will receive rapid aid and effective recovery. The disaster management cycle defines the ongoing processes by which Government, society, and businesses plan for reducing the impact of disasters. Appropriate actions are needed during the whole cycle to get better warnings, reduced vulnerability, and greater preparedness during the next iteration of relief supplier management cycle. Disaster relief logistics often need extensive planning and strategically moves to save maximum people from the havoc of disaster and also help officials in building a strong infrastructure for better protection. Disaster relief logistics offer plethora of benefits, such as:


The mitigation and preparedness activities are followed when disaster management improvements are made during the disaster. Developmental considerations are designed to mitigate risks and preparatory actions are made to effectively confront a disaster. When a disaster occurs, disaster management actors, in particular, humanitarian organizations immediately start working on recovery plans. Usually, these NGOs follow a four-phase strategy in making recovery plans, and also start building data to reduce vulnerabilities in the current system. For example, in case of building codes and zones, vulnerability assessment and analysis is designed along with providing public education.

Supplier Information:

  • Disaster relief logistics management not only manages recovery activities, but also collects supplier’s information. Limiting the potential supplier base can only limit the possibilities of relief goods. The larger the potential base, the greater the chances are to collect relief supplies. Most NGO’s work in collecting and managing potential sources and focus on managing them well, so that they can provide better relief activities to devastated people.
  • When a disaster occurs, these NGOs create a list of supplier, establish communication with each one to gauge their interest or try to brag their interest in a disaster recovery initiative. They assess supplier information and check their volume commitments and sincerity with the cause. If a supplier does not meet standard requirements, they check other options or sometimes ask for references, the ultimate goal is to consider best option for their goal.
  • Suppliers generally not invest in competing for business because their ultimate goal is to provide assistance to disaster recovery programs.
  • Supplier information not only gathered for current recovery programs, but often they are contacted for long term projects to ensure that affected area and its people starts living a normal life. These projects include, building new homes, providing medical services, employment opportunities, etc.